The Company Samba Résille is composed of musicians from the school of percussion in brazil.
All lovers of Samba, these musicians have the desire to share the tempo brazilian with the public ... of the snare chocalhos, the surdo in agogo, or the bell, under the rods of the répinique, our percussionists vibrate the streets of the towns and cities, but especially the hearts, in France and in Europe.
Strong of his experience and music for the past 30 years, the Company Samba Résille share with the public a new way to take a stroll in the public space through spectacle musical scénographiés, colorful and festive.
Its batucada furious, to the parade Los Muertos that light up the night with neon colors-glow, or even Octopus and his school of fish, you will find, no doubt, the opportunity to animate your festivities with the colors sound of the Samba.
Contact and quote request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination
T. 05 34 416 216
All lovers of Samba, these musicians have the desire to share the tempo brazilian with the public ... of the snare chocalhos, the surdo in agogo, or the bell, under the rods of the répinique, our percussionists vibrate the streets of the towns and cities, but especially the hearts, in France and in Europe.
In 2008, Samba Résille created its 1.0 Octopus Show. Given the success of it, a new giant Octopus and its shoal of fish have travelled the cities since 2015 : The 2.0 Octopus Show.
This show, under festive tunes and rhythms, invests the problems of water... it is intended to be a questioning of our relationship to the sea, especially when we live in a port city.
Night show inspired by the Day of the Dead which takes place on the Dia de los muertos, typical of the culture of Mexico and Central America, this parade offers the public a festive and popular performance, with music, bright and cheerful colors. A caricatural and joyful form of death…
European Creative Platform
Address : 38 rue Roquelaine – Toulouse – France
Phone : +33 534 416 216
Non-profit Organization (1901 law)
Siret n° 403 391 857 00030 / Code APE 9001Z
Approved for Youth and Popular Education – n° 31-580
Approved Solidarity Company – n° 31-012
Vocational Training Organization – n° 73 31 06816 31
Entrepreneur of the show : bachelor 1 R-L1-22-000599 /
License 2 R-L2-22-000600 / License 3 R-L3-22-000602
Batucada : percussion Ensemble, brazilian, the Batucada is the name given to the popular music of street in Brazil. These are pieces very fast-paced, based on percussion instruments.
This is Rio De Janeiro with the Batucada is the more present because of the value of the schools that occur during the carnival. The Batucada is a formula orchestral as a big band in a jazz or a philharmonic orchestra in classic. Several sections instrumental composed. The Surdos (large drums) are the heart of the Batucada. In addition to the loud crack of Tambourims, the melody of the Agogos (bells), the rolling syncopated of Caixas (snares), the frenzy of Chocalhos (bar cymbals). The complement of instruments, devices such as the Cuica and his singing shrill, and the all-led by the Répinique, real conductor, and his Apito (whistle).
The apito the primer batucada a call is acute, then, depending on the mood of the whistling, like a heartbeat or the case, slowing down or speeding up, silenced and then resume some instruments, calls sound which surdos, the agogos, tambourines, rocards, the caixas, respond in chorus or individually... The batucada, it is this : a language, a musical game of dialogues, a cache-cache rhythm ! Under the Sun or in the rain, at midday or at midnight... This is a twenty musicians costumed and made-up play for the delight of young and old alike.
Technical data sheet
15 to 25 musicians costumed
1 to 2 accompanying person(s)
3 m3 of musical equipment
1 bus and/or several cars
Delivery outside
No particular technical constraints, however, the chandlers in water are imperatives, and will be your responsibility.
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus and/or several cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, that must contain the mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery. Attention : complete meal warm.
1 500 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
The Octopus 2.0 is a choreography of scale, which combines a sea creature impressive 14 million in the form of an octopus air looking at the place on earth where there is still fish stocks necessary to its survival. A school of fish comes to meet her in a game of hide-and-seek music, alternating the leak in the face of this giant and a fascination hypnotic. This is a show that combines a shoal of fish (musicians in costume) and a giant octopus (inflatable and tractor) that, to the rhythm of the Samba, wander around the street to evolve in the middle of the public.
The octopus and its tentacles are interacting with small and large and lead to the wand his school of fish through the arteries of the city.
This show, under festive tunes and rhythms, invests the problems of water... it is intended to be a questioning of our relationship to the sea, especially when we live in a port city.
Street show, audience parade
All geographies as possible, outside, daytime and night-out heavy weather (rain and/or strong wind)
• 1 octopus self-inflated (length 9m, amplitude, 14m, height 5m) in (spi canvas boat)
• 1 blower scope
• 1 generator engine 4 time (autonomy 4 hours), towed by a truck
• 15 to 25 musicians dressed fish (or format bloco)
• 8 Tentamen (1 holder octopus – 8 articulators of the Octopus)
• 3 to 5 m3 of musical equipment
• 1 bus and/or several cars
Technical requirements for the movement :
– Street : minimum width of 9 m (sidewalk included)
without the studs on the course (if not to count the sidewalks). Minimum height of 6 m loose without cables through holes.
In all cases, the scenography of the show adapts to the geography of the site, so that it is visible and beneficial to a greater number of, exchange of technical advance on the basis of the plan of the city updated will be necessary.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus and/or locations of cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, who must have mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery.
BUDGET " the octopus "
6 000 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
quotation request : Johann ANDOCHE,
Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
• 15 to 25 musicians costumed and made-up (or format bloco)
• 2 carriers of pinatas
• 10 supervisors, costume designers, makeup artists
• 10 m3 of musical equipment and accessories
• 2 pinatas
• 1 cart/device black light
• 1 bus and/or several cars
For a delivery outside
No particular technical constraints, however, the chandlers in water are imperatives, and will be your responsibility.
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus or locations of cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, who must have mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery. Attention : complete meal warm.
BUDGET " parade de los muertos "
4 500 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
Quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216