Association life

Association life at Samba Résille revolves around highlights and collective actions giving members the opportunity to create or renew social ties and allowing everyone to join the collective in their own way. Each member can thus enrich his associative career through voluntary activities. It can take a wide variety of forms, ranging from musical entertainment to the upkeep and layout of the premises, including the organization of events, cooking and taking on certain functions or responsibilities such as participating in committees, be an activity delegate or elected to the Association Board.

Association Board

The Association Board of Samba Résille is a strategic body of the association, which appoints among its members thematic referents able to follow each of the sectors of activity of the association. Half renewed at the Annual General Meeting, it meets on average once a month.


  • Anne DUMOULIN : President
  • Kamel JELTI : Treasurer
  • Marialis GIRAUD BILLOUD : Secrétaire


  • Jean-Marc LAHENS
  • Annick BLUSSON
  • Adriana BUERO  
  • Julien LAUNEY 
  • Lucien POUGET 
  • Manon GUSMINI
  • Alexandre NOUVEL
  • Marie BEGEROT
  • Mathieu LESCUYER

Our association events 

Members' Christmas Market

The Samba Résille Christmas Market is a festive event that gives members the opportunity to showcase their personal talents in a real little Christmas market organized on the premises of the association. Culinary preparations, clothes, jewelry: this evening allows you to discover everyone's talents and end the year in joy!  

The evening ends with a convivial concert which allows the Pagode singing workshops to give their first concert of the year in a secure setting, an important point for the new recruits who started their school year in October. 

Cross-workshop Weekend

The Cross-workshop Weekend is a time dedicated to the crossing of the different artistic practices taught at Samba Résille: batucada, pagode etc. It is also a space allowing the discovery of new practices, on the basis of the proposals of the members (for example dance), or on the one of external partners like those of the international projects that the association carries out in sending or in reception. 

Members' Weekend

The Members' Weekend is an essential event for developing cohesion between old and new members. Often organized in external sites, cancelled in 2020 and 2021 due to the health crisis, it was finally able to take place on February 5-6, 2022 in the renovated premises of Samba Résille, so that members could begin to reclaim them. 

Neighborhood Party

The neighborhood party was designed as a focal point for the many activities carried out during the year, locally and internationally, with the aim of everyone participating in the construction of a multidisciplinary, accessible and friendly space.  The Samba Résille recipe, basically! 

You'll find there: Exhibition, street decoration, music scene…  

This is an opportunity for old and new members alike to anchor themselves in the neighborhood with the locals! 

Members' initiatives in the association


The thematic Committees are different areas of involvement for members that meet the structural or temporary needs of the association. They are made up of lead directors and volunteers, sometimes supported by employees.

Committees can be permanent when they concern long-term missions:

  • Costume Committee
    The Costume Committee is linked to La Compagnie, Samba Résille main batucada, and supports its dissemination strategy. It takes care of the logistics of the costumes during the shows, ensures their maintenance and participates in the creation of new ones.
  • Programming Committee
    In connection with the employee in charge of programming, it participates in the design of the programming strategy of the venue, whether it is the equipment of the place, the orientation of the season and the choice of artists. It also participates in the organization of events: recruitment of volunteers for the management, the bar and the ticket office.


Committees can also be temporary when they are linked to specific events:

  • Members' Weekend Committee
  • Carnival Committee
  • Neighborhood Party Committee/Samba Résille 30th Anniversary
Our members have talent

We highlight the talents of our members through their creativity and their investments in Samba Résille.
During the year 2022, several members have decided to share their passions and their know-how with the members of Samba Résille:

  • Lisa Biscaro offered a Samba No Pé course as part of the system set up by Samba Résille: “My local and European commitment with Samba Résille”
  • Elsa and Marlène have created podcasts with members and employees of Samba Résille, where they have conducted around thirty interviews for the 30th anniversary of Samba Résille.
    A very nice listening to the words of the members on Samba Résille by its members!
  • Alice Le Guen exhibits 20 photographs from November 10, 2022 to January 2023 on the theme “Silhouettes”. A vernissage will take place on November 10

The sound capsules of Elsa and Marlène, members of Samba Résille

Sound capsules for 30th anniversary ?!
To do what ?

To hear and listen to the voices of Samba Résille tell their association life. To remember, discover, smile or be moved

How ?
About 30 personal interviews and recordings of workshops to reflect the diversity of members and employees.
An artisanal assembly, with the means at hand, by two members, curious of everyone

And finally ?
13 sound capsules from 2 to 7 minutes: to listen to by flashing the QR codes above, on the spot, or in your sofa once quiet! And a “making of” capsule!

Marlène and Elsa, members

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