All services are carried out by groups of Samba Résille. They take place in part, outside the walls during festivals or carnivals, in the street or on the stage, but also at events of greater or lesser magnitude in the region Occitanie, France, Europe and internationally.
The service offer is varied : parades of batucada, concert samba pagode, formula Brasil 360 (batucada, samba, pagoda, coco), or
specific productions such as Mundo Kanaval, World Carnival Music (percussion/vocals/brass), developed with local or international partners.
Its batucada furious at the parade Los Muertos that light up the night with neon colors-glow, or even Octopus and his school of fish, the performances of Samba Stockings will liven up your events in the joy and the rhythm of Brazil.
[Wandering or fixed]
All passionate about Samba, our musicians have the desire to share the Brazilian tempo with the public. From the snare drum to the chocalhos, from the surdo to the agogo and the bell, using the drumsticks of the repinic, our percussionists bring the streets of villages and towns and above all the hearts into vibration, in France and in Europe.
[Wandering or fixed]
A show combining a school of fish (musicians in costume) and a giant octopus (inflatable and auto-scope) that, to the rhythm of the Samba, wandering in the street. This show, in the air and festive rhythms, invests the problematic of the water...he wants to be a questioning of our relationship to the sea, especially when you live in a port city.
[Wandering or fixed]
Night show inspired by the Day of the Dead which takes place on the Dia de los muertos, typical of the culture of Mexico and Central America, this parade offers the public a festive and popular performance, with music, bright and cheerful colors. A caricatural and joyful form of death…
Concert of Brazilian music. More intimate than the batucada, the samba pagoda brings together singers, guitarists and percussionists for a festive and convivial moment around samba songs.
Samba Résille offers different formats to suit your environment (private party, bar, concert in the public space, etc.): the traditional "roda" format, around a table and focused on audience participation, or the concert format on stage.
[Walking about and fixed]
Brasil 360 is the complete formula of Samba Résille!
The performance includes a batucada walk, "coco" entertainment (a traditional musical style from the Brazilian Nordeste that allows the audience to participate), and finally a pagoda concert. This is the ideal format to liven up a whole day with a variety of activities.
Based on the international experiences of Samba Résille, this show offers a musical journey through the carnivals and great festive traditions of South America and Africa. A large collective composed of a batucada, singers and a brass section performs pieces from Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, the West Indies, South Africa, and more in the future, as the repertoire evolves with Samba Résille's projects.
A large-scale show, which can involve up to 60 musicians, ensuring an atmosphere that is particularly suitable for large events (festivals, concerts in public spaces, etc.).
[On request]
Coro Sambado est un projet développé par Samba Résille et son partenaire À Bout de souffle, choeur baroque et classique et membre du consortium européen de Samba Résille. Il vise la rencontre des musiques anciennes et classiques d’une part, et des musiques traditionnelles brésiliennes d’autre part. Une occasion pour des publics différents de métisser leurs pratiques et dépasser les a priori.
Hugues MÉLET, Formateur musical et chargé de projets – T. 05 34 416 216
[On request]
We offer the shares of teambuilding around the batucada.
In a few hours, we offer you to create your own batucada – orchestre percussion brazilian inspired by the baterias of Rio blocos de Salvador !
Beyond the communal discovery of a rich musical universe, one of the brazilian carnivals, our actions of group cohesion will develop the creativity, the collusion between the participants, the personal development and collective via a simple transmission, which is based on oral tradition and the pleasure of playing together !
Gregory VALTER, Artistic Education and Cultural Mediation Coordination – T. 05 34 416 216
[Wandering or fixed]
The Why Can't We? (Pourquoi Pas Nous) (PIF) of the local Hospital Wall, the Batucabraille the Institute for Young Blind people (IJA) , the Batucafond the EMI Autan Val Fleuri SambaTouch the EMI of Saint-Jean and the Sambaguettes the EMI Arc-en-ciel...
...To offer you quality services from their workshops in the weekly musical developed in partnership with Samba Fishnet !
If you are sensitive to our cause, and as you consider that our place is in the city, in public life, at your side, please do not hesitate to call on our services !
– Samedi 21 septembre, 18h30 : Mundo Kanaval dans le cadre du fastival Brass dans la Garonne organisé par notre partenaire Fanfarnaüm, Tououse.
– Samedi 05 otcobre : Parade de Batucada au Karneval für die Zukunft (Carnaval pour le Futur), Berlin
– Dimanche 06 octobre : Parade de Batucada dans le cadre de la journée « Dimanche au bard du lac », Toulouse
– Dimanche 13 octobre : Parade de Batucada dans le cadre du festival « Cambert en Fête », Toulouse
– Jeudi 17 octobre : Roda de Samba au bar l’Évasion avec l’atelier pagode de Samba Résille, Toulouse
– Samedi 23 novembre – Marche contre les féminicides – Toulouse départ à 14h à St Cyprien – Batucada en mixité choisie (sans homme cis hétéro) composée de 40 femmes.
– Mardi 3 décembre, Cachaça Social Club à la soirée Clutch à Ynov, 2 place de l’Europe, Toulouse
– Jeudi 12 décembre : Atelier Pagode de Samba Résille à l’Évasion
– Samedi 18 janvier, Cachaça Social Club à Cuba Hoy, Utopia Borderouge
– Dimanche 9 février : Festival Cuba Hoy, église des 7 deniers, Toulouse. Coro Sambado – Plus de cinquante chanteuses, chanteurs, percussionnistes du chœur À bout de souffle et de Samba Résille.
– Samedi 1er mars à 15h30 : Batucagras avec le Carnival of Toulouse, Jardin Compans Caffarelli, Toulouse
– Jeudi 13 mars à 20h : Pagode de Samba Résille à L’Evasion, Toulouse
– Samedi 15 mars à 21h : Pagode de Samba Résille à L’Evasion, Toulouse
– Samedi 19 avril 19h : Carnival of Toulouse
– Friday, September 15, 2023 : Parade route Fanwalk – Rugby world cup – 19h/ rue Alsace Lorraine, Toulouse
– Saturday, September 23, 17 : Festival Cambert festival Toulouse / La Reynerie
– Samedi 21 octobre à 15h : Samba Fishnet with Fanfarnaüm and out of breath, Médiathèque José Cabanis – Grand auditorium (level -1)
– Samedi 20 janvier à 16h : Les Samedis Percussions du monde ( Carnaval de Toulouse)
– Samedi 3 février à 18h : Batucagras (Carnaval de Toulouse)
– Samedi 23 mars : Carnaval de Plaisance du Touch (31)
– Samedi 30 mars : Carnaval de Toulouseparade cuckolds
–Samedi 25 mai 17h-18h15 : Samba Résille avec Fanfarnaum répertoire de Mundo Kanaval – Festival Houbl’Aussone
– Samedi 25 mai – 20h15 : le Pôle musical de l’Union sur le programme Samba Résille – Grande Halle de L’Union – Samedi 1er juin à 20h : Fête du petit pois de Clamart (32)
– Samedi 8 juin – Parade des fiertés de Toulouse
char n°28 dans le défilé
– Samedi 21 juin – Fête de la musique :
Retrouvez Samba Résille lors de la fête de la musique vendredi 21 juin !
– 11h à 12h sur le parvis de la gare matabiau (à confirmer) : Venez retrouver les collectifs des « Why Can't We? (Pourquoi Pas Nous) » – Centre hospitalier de Muret, les « Batucafond » – IME Autan Val Fleuri, les « Batucabraille » – Institut des Jeunes Aveugles, les « SambaTouch » – IME St-Jean Plaisance-du-Touch, les « Sambaguettes » – IME les Troènes, accompagnés par des adhérents enfants et adultes de Samba Résille pour un concert festif et enthousiaste avec plus de 100 participants !
– 18h30 à 19h30 sur le parvis de la médiathèque Jose Cabanis : Coro Sambado, avec les ateliers Pagode de Samba Résille et l’ensemble À bout de souffle
– 20h à 21h Alsace Lorraine devant le carrousel : Les ateliers batucada jeunes de Samba Résille
– 21h à 00h Alsace Lorraine côté Jeanne d’Arc : Les ateliers batucada adultes de Samba Résille
– Samedi 29 juin : Fête de quartier Samba Résille
– September 1, 2022 : the Parade of Course Green (cirque pardi) Toulouse
– September 9 : Parade in partnership with the Boucada market of Montbrun Bocage
– September 16 : Torchlight of Escalquens
– September 18 : Parade Celebration of Escalquens
– September 23 : Parade academic year – CIAM/Université Toulouse – Jean Jaurès
– September 24 : Parade Rue Bayard children – Toulouse
– 14 October : Concert Cachaça Social Club "in The Gardens Of the Ladies' Toulouse – Festival Pink Paradise Toulouse
– October 29 : Parade Los Muertos and concert Cachaça Social Club Parade Los Muertos – Exposure Mummies Museum of Toulouse
– December 4 : Market St Aubin – Toulouse
– Saturday, January 21 : Carnival of Toulouse; The SATURDAYS "WORLD PERCUSSION" 14: 00-18: 00 – Place Arnaud Bernard
– Saturday, February 18 – Carnival of Toulouse; Batucagras – Square Charles de Gaulle
– Saturday, march 11, 14h/17h Carnival Calandreta Wall – with the Why can't We
– Saturday, march 11 15h/18h – Carnival St-Jean with Batucafond
– Saturday, march 18 – Carnival Blagnac
– Saturday, march 25 – carnival of Pleasure of the Touch
– Wednesday, April 5 – Evening CLUTCH – 19: 30/22h – Jail st Michel
– Sunday, may 7,: Papogay, Rieu Volvestre
– Sunday 7 may – 19: 30/midnight Carnival of Toulouseparade cuckolds
– Sunday, may 28 : the Carnival of Cultures, Berlin
– Saturday, June 10 – pride Parade Toulouse
– Fête de la musique : 19/23h, rue Alsace Lorraine
– Saturday 1st July : Feast of quartier Rue Roquelaine
– Saturday, July 8 : Fanfare without borders, Mazamet
Address : 38 rue Roquelaine – Toulouse – France
Phone : +33 534 416 216
Non-profit Organization (1901 law)
Siret n° 403 391 857 00030 – Code APE 9001Z
Agréée Jeunesse et éducation populaire
n° 31-580
Agréée Entreprise solidaire n° 31-012
Organisme de formation professionnelle
n° 73 31 06816 31
Entrepreneur du spectacle :
Licence 1 R-L1-22-000599
Licence 2 R-L2-22-000600
Licence 3 R-L3-22-000602
Batucada : percussion Ensemble, brazilian, the Batucada is the name given to the popular music of street in Brazil. These are pieces very fast-paced, based on percussion instruments.
This is Rio De Janeiro with the Batucada is the more present because of the value of the schools that occur during the carnival. The Batucada is a formula orchestral as a big band in a jazz or a philharmonic orchestra in classic. Several sections instrumental composed. The Surdos (large drums) are the heart of the Batucada. In addition to the loud crack of Tambourims, the melody of the Agogos (bells), the rolling syncopated of Caixas (snares), the frenzy of Chocalhos (bar cymbals). The complement of instruments, devices such as the Cuica and his singing shrill, and the all-led by the Répinique, real conductor, and his Apito (whistle).
The apito the primer batucada a call is acute, then, depending on the mood of the whistling, like a heartbeat or the case, slowing down or speeding up, silenced and then resume some instruments, calls sound which surdos, the agogos, tambourines, rocards, the caixas, respond in chorus or individually... The batucada, it is this : a language, a musical game of dialogues, a cache-cache rhythm ! Under the Sun or in the rain, at midday or at midnight... This is a twenty musicians costumed and made-up play for the delight of young and old alike.
Technical data sheet
15 to 25 musicians costumed
1 to 2 accompanying person(s)
3 m3 of musical equipment
1 bus and/or several cars
Delivery outside
No particular technical constraints, however, the chandlers in water are imperatives, and will be your responsibility.
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus and/or several cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, that must contain the mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery. Attention : complete meal warm.
1 500 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
The Octopus 2.0 is a choreography of scale, which combines a sea creature impressive 14 million in the form of an octopus air looking at the place on earth where there is still fish stocks necessary to its survival. A school of fish comes to meet her in a game of hide-and-seek music, alternating the leak in the face of this giant and a fascination hypnotic. This is a show that combines a shoal of fish (musicians in costume) and a giant octopus (inflatable and tractor) that, to the rhythm of the Samba, wander around the street to evolve in the middle of the public.
The octopus and its tentacles are interacting with small and large and lead to the wand his school of fish through the arteries of the city.
This show, under festive tunes and rhythms, invests the problems of water... it is intended to be a questioning of our relationship to the sea, especially when we live in a port city.
Street show, audience parade
All geographies as possible, outside, daytime and night-out heavy weather (rain and/or strong wind)
• 1 octopus self-inflated (length 9m, amplitude, 14m, height 5m) in (spi canvas boat)
• 1 blower scope
• 1 generator engine 4 time (autonomy 4 hours), towed by a truck
• 15 to 25 musicians dressed fish (or format bloco)
• 8 Tentamen (1 holder octopus – 8 articulators of the Octopus)
• 3 to 5 m3 of musical equipment
• 1 bus and/or several cars
Technical requirements for the movement :
– Street : minimum width of 9 m (sidewalk included)
without the studs on the course (if not to count the sidewalks). Minimum height of 6 m loose without cables through holes.
In all cases, the scenography of the show adapts to the geography of the site, so that it is visible and beneficial to a greater number of, exchange of technical advance on the basis of the plan of the city updated will be necessary.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus and/or locations of cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, who must have mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery.
BUDGET " the octopus "
6 000 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
quotation request : Johann ANDOCHE,
Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
• 15 to 25 musicians costumed and made-up (or format bloco)
• 2 carriers of pinatas
• 10 supervisors, costume designers, makeup artists
• 10 m3 of musical equipment and accessories
• 2 pinatas
• 1 cart/device black light
• 1 bus and/or several cars
For a delivery outside
No particular technical constraints, however, the chandlers in water are imperatives, and will be your responsibility.
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus or locations of cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, who must have mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery. Attention : complete meal warm.
BUDGET " parade de los muertos "
4 500 euros TTC (several sets of 30 to 40 minutes)
Excluding transport costs
Quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
Roda de samba, samba pagode, samba da mesa… Autant de mots pour désigner une réunion ouverte de musiciens qui se rassemblent pour interpréter des chansons de samba. Bien plus qu’un simple groupe de musique jouant pour un public silencieux, la roda brésilienne est un espace festif qui encourage la participation et le partage : chacun peut chanter le refrain, frapper des mains sur le rythme des claves, saisir un instrument voire proposer une chanson !
Le samba pagode est une pratique très riche qui rassemble tous les instruments : la voix est toujours accompagnée par les cordes (guitares à six et sept cordes, cavaquinho) et de nombreuses percussions (pandeiro, tamborim, tan tan et rebolo, surdo, ganzá, reco-reco, agogo etc.).
Au Brésil, le pagode est la manière la plus immédiate, la plus populaire de faire du samba, et cette pratique est de plus en plus répandue en France également.
Samba Résille vous propose différents formats qui s’adapteront à votre environnement (fête privée, bar, concert dans l’espace public etc.) : le format traditionnel, autour d’une table et axé sur la participation du public, ou format concert sur scène.
Technical data sheet
10 à 15 musiciens
Technical data sheet as a function of the scenic space
Delivery outside
Technical data sheet as a function of the scenic space
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Please get in touch with Johann ANDOCHE
quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
Hugues MÉLET, Formateur musical et chargé de projets – T. 05 34 416 216
Brasil 360 est une prestation qui fait intervenir et collaborer tous les ateliers de Samba Résille. La formule permet d’explorer les principaux styles de la musique brésilienne : la batucada, le samba pagode et le coco :
La batucada est un groupe de percussions de grande dimension (entre 20 et 50 musiciens) comprenant plusieurs sections instrumentales. Originaire de Rio de Janeiro (où on l’appelle d’ailleurs plutôt bateria), la batucada est intimement liée au Carnaval et à ses prestigieuses écoles de samba qui interprètent le style extrêmement rapide et festif du samba enredo. La pratique s’est répandue dans tout le Brésil, donnant naissance à de nouveaux genres, en particulier à Salvador da Bahia avec le très populaire samba-reggae plus ancré dans les traditions rythmiques africaines. La batucada de Samba Résille explore ces différents styles, mais interprète aussi ses ses propres créations inspirées de rythmes des Antilles et d’Afrique.
Plus intimiste que la batucada, le samba pagode rassemble des chanteurs, des guitaristes et des percussionnistes pour un moment festif et convivial autour des chansons de samba. Samba Résille vous propose différents formats qui s’adapteront à votre environnement (fête privée, bar, concert dans l’espace public, etc.) : le format “roda” traditionnel, autour d’une table et axé sur la participation du public, ou le format concert sur scène.
The coco est un style traditionnel originaire du Nordeste brésilien. Musique collective souvent jouée en ronde (roda), le coco comprend une section rythmique énergique (pandeiro, triangle, ganza) qui accompagne un chanteur soliste et un chœur lui répondant avec un refrain simple et entraînant. Accompagné d’un pas de danse plus simple que celui du samba, le coco est un style idéal pour faire participer le public, qui peut apprendre rapidement le pas, le refrain, ou encore taper le rythme de coco avec les mains.
Technical data sheet
Technical data sheet as a function of the scenic space
Delivery outside
Technical data sheet as a function of the scenic space
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Quotation request :
Johann ANDOCHE, Responsible for dissemination – T. 05 34 416 216
Hugues MÉLET, Formateur musical et chargé de projets – T. 05 34 416 216
Au fil de projets en Europe, Afrique et Amérique du Sud, Samba Résille a pu expérimenter de nouvelles esthétiques, élargir son répertoire et créer des ponts avec d’autres disciplines. En effet, au contact de différentes pratiques festives, nos équipes ont pu constater que peu de formules égalaient, en puissance et en beauté, la combinaison chant/percussions/cuivres que l’on retrouve dans les plus grands carnavals du monde : le Carnaval antillais (Guadeloupe, Martinique), le Coon Carnival de Cape Town en Afrique du Sud, le Carnaval de Salvador au Brésil etc.
Ce voyage musical porte aussi en lui une histoire à la fois tragique et créatrice, qu’il faut garder en mémoire : celle des routes de l’esclavage tracées entre l’Europe, l’Afrique et l’Amérique, et qui ont engendré, malgré le drame, une fusion culturelle et musicale dont les carnavals sont les premiers témoins. En effet, dans les territoires colonisés, le Carnaval a été un espace d’expression pour les populations assujetties ou mises en esclavage, et les confréries carnavalesques, souvent secrètes, représentaient des lieux de résistance et de recréation de la société perdue. C’est dans ce chaudron que mélodies, rythmes et instruments africains ont fusionné avec leurs pendants européens.
Dans un spectacle grand format qui peut impliquer jusqu’à 60 musiciens (chant/percussions/cuivres), Samba Résille interprète des morceaux du Carnaval de Guadeloupe, du Carnaval de Salvador da Bahia (samba reggae, axé), du Coon Carnival de Cape Town, de musique afro-colombienne du Pacifique, de musique mexicaine du Dia de los muertos etc.
Technical data sheet
Entre 40 et 50 musiciens
Technical data sheet as a function of the scenic space
Delivery outside
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
quotation request :
Grégory VALTER, Coordinateur du projet – T. 05 34 416 216
Hugues MÉLET, Formateur musical et chargé de projets – T. 05 34 416 216
Why Can't We? (Pourquoi Pas Nous?) of the local Hospital of Muret, Batucabraille (Braille Batucada), of the Toulouse Blind Youth Institute (IJA) and Batucafond (Loudly Batucada) of the Autan Val Fleuri Institute.
Three groups of musicians, all from the workshops of the Samba Fishnet, thanks to their master, and through their skills, share their skills and develop new knowledge, but most importantly pass on their know-how at rehearsals and meetings upstream of time to the benefit to the public. These three groups are composed of adolescents and adults with disabilities (mental disabilities with disorders of the sensory or motor associates).
The association Samba Stockings works in partnership with these groups, with as main objective to change the look on the person with a disability, by offering as shares of time representation in public in front of an audience said "ordinary" (bars, street, music festivals).
Through artistic encounters and performances towards an ordinary audience, we want to offer a quality show and thus have the members of the workshop considered above all as musicians, and not as mentally challenged people. We want to give them the means to be able to include themselves in civic life by being actors in their leisure activities, by participating in the life of their center, but above all in the life of the city.
Technical data sheet
15 to 35 musicians costumed
6/8 accompanying person(s)
3 m3 of musical equipment
1 bus and/or several minibus
Delivery outside
No particular technical constraints, however, the chandlers in water are imperatives, and will be your responsibility.
In case of bad weather, provide a point of decline housed for musicians or a cancellation.
Hospitality & Catering
Provide a location is quite spacious which can accommodate 1 bus and/or several cars.
Samba Mesh you request the provision of a local, that must contain the mirrors so that the musicians could make up, close and key, to the personal affairs of all be safe, be supplied with drinks and food.
Access PMR
Meals & Accommodation
The organizer will provide accommodation and meals according to the distance at the start of Toulouse and the hours of the delivery. Attention : complete meal warm.
BUDGET "PIF / Batucafond / Batucabraille"
Please contact with Gregory VALTER
Quotation request :
Gregory VALTER, Coordination Arts Education and Cultural Mediation – T. 05 34 416 216