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Erasmus+ program
KA1 – Adult education

 The incubator of creative emergence

“The incubator of creative emergence” is a project fitting the priorities of the New European Agenda for Culture to use the whole potential of the cultural sector as a driving force for social equity and active citizenship by the creation of supportive environments for innovation, based on creativity and adapted to the skills of the audience. Its aim is to qualify the staff of adult education leaning on structured courses and job shadowing with 2 skillful partners, Swedish and German, whose skills and expertise will allow the implementation of adequate learning programs as answers to the needs listed by the French coordinator Samba Résille in its PED (plan for European Development).

The program of learning mobilities co-built with each partner takes into consideration the needs of the participants and organizes the hosting, the study of new tools (process of good practices), which objective is to increase the skills, the know-how and the social skills to: • build a cultural season associating the audience; • accompany artists to participate in artistic residencies and disseminate their work, whether they are professional or not, local or international; • accompany careers in artistic emergence.

Thus, this project aims at organizing 100 individual mobilities dispatched in qualifying thematic modules and professional role-playing leaning on non-formal training, to increase the skills of the participants to: • create cultural activities promoting active participation and increasing the well-being of the learners and the staff; • encourage the mobility of artistic works and emerging artists, and reinforce the participation of all, especially the most vulnerable (the refugees), in the creative activities; • promote art as a shared and universal patrimonial resource to raise awareness among the citizens on cultural diversity as a common value which reinforce the feeling of European identity; • create favorable ecosystems for volunteers’ implication, and for emerging artists, especially for artists facing economic difficulties or handicap, to promote the access to financing, the potential of innovation, the fair remuneration of the creators and the trans sectorial cooperation.
• design a cultural season involving the general public;
• supporting the residency and dissemination of amateur/professional and local/international artists;
• support careers in artistic emergence.

This project fits completely the promotion of music and arts in teaching and training, priority issue for Erasmus + in 2019, and wishes to receive the acquired knowledge in order for Samba Résille to be ready in 2020 to open its CICCE (Center for Cultural and Civic European Initiatives), which will offer a range of entrepreneurial, digital, traditional, transversal and specialized skills for artistic emergence and will duplicate the most performant measures implemented for the emerging cultural sector.



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