Erasmus+ program
KA1 – Mobilité du personnel de l’éducation des adultes
“Pratiques Créatives Inclusives” is a two years project led by three partners: Samba Résille (FR) the coordinator, Brouhaha International (UK) et Dunya Foundation (NL).
It’s a project in the field of adult education in line with the European Strategy 2020, which goal is to qualify Samba Résille’s staff with its two partners, thanks to 109 individual mobilities, organized in training courses, structured classes and seminars.
The three partners are cultural organizations programming creative actions, at local and international levels. They use the artistic work as a tool to facilitate personal and professional fulfillment of their target audience and social inclusion for the most vulnerable.
Together, they worked on a planning of activities built on three modules: – Manage and strengthen creativity – Build creative paths – Develop creative territories
The participants were included in the operational teams of the Liverpool International Carnival, and were able to participate in lots of tasks: planning coordination, technical assembly of the floats, sounds and lights of the stages, digital communication, reception of the audience, partners’ events, safety of the sites, dance and music master classes, costume and mobile sets construction workshops, structured classes on the “Arts awards certification” and experimentation in test modules, seminars and meetings with cultural entrepreneurs and tourism operators, analysis of results of socio-educational actions led besides the Liverpool and Rotterdam international carnivals.
These numerous learnings allowed the participants to capitalize skills, social skills, knowledge, savoirs-faire, fitting with the development and the intertionalization of Samba Résille, which aim is to become in 2020 a European resource center of creative actions.
The participants strengthened their cultural sensibility, their social skills and dexterity, their digital culture, their civic skills, their feeling of a European citizenship, they improved their linguistic skills, their cultural expression and their communication skills, they developed their managerial, interpersonal and technical skills proper to the cultural and creative fields, and their analytic abilities on the inclusion of the immigrant population. They strengthened their spirit of initiative and learned about the professional opportunities in culture at the international level.
The steering committee of the project gathered the administrators and the employees of the three organizations and planned the tools and the procedures for the whole project, thanks to a longitudinal, appreciative and participant evaluation, to guarantee a full participation of all the stakeholders to measure the results, the changes and impacts of the project, to make understandable their dissemination and to guarantee its durability.
The results of the project have been transmitted to the members of the organizations who were unable to benefit from the learning mobilities, but also to other stakeholders, NGOs or institutions. This is how the transferable good practices were identified.
They contribute to sensitize cultural organizations to commit in the non-formal training, with the goal to train their staff and that the local authorities understand the strategic importance of the cultural sector in the creation of social and economic wealth.
This project is in line with the European agenda of culture and demonstrated that the transfer of skills and experiences between cultural organizations allows to qualify the stakeholders and the organizations,
but also to stimulate the positive dynamics regarding the questions of improving the reception’s conditions, monitoring and recognizing the knowledge of the participants, and to strengthen the internal cohesion to build intercultural cooperation and deconstructing the fears to commit to it.
Future activities will continue to embrace and celebrate a diverse range of work with a commitment to the realization of performing arts projects in public spaces, on the streets, in park, in community venues and site specific outdoor locations. BI strive to provide professional platforms and opportunities for artistic and cultural excellence and as BI move forward to create great art, without losing sight of our purpose, vision and core values.
– Carnival Arts
– Arts engagement projects
– Festival and community events
– International work
– Capacity Building Projects
DUNNYA Foundation (DF) is a cultural production organization, leader in its country, the Netherlands. It exists since 1986. In 30 years, it developed an expertise in the field of artistic production, management of international cultural events, and artistic promotion through creative arts. As an independent agency, DF acts in several creative fields, and became the manager of big festivals in the Netherlands. For DF, arts and culture are the necessary ingredients to positively expose the public to the dynamism of the cultural diversity in the urban space of a big European metropole, as Rotterdam is. This is how DF manages a cultural project producing big international events in artistic trans-disciplinary fields offering spaces of dissemination in public space, with the goal to work on the inclusion of all the local publics and the reputation of Rotterdam at the international level, to increase the quality of the touristic offer and business opportunities. With this dual approach, DF works on the creation of professional opportunities for cultural operations in relation with institutional, economic and social stakeholders, supporting the communities of Rotterdam, Dutch citizens coming from the Netherlands Antilles, who face obstacles to socially and professionally integrate in the society, and the LBGTQ community, through artistic and socio-educational actions. DF organizes also every year, since 1984, the Summer Carnival of Rotterdam. The Carnival puts the spotlight in the Caribbean and South America, and has a parade measuring several kilometers, a competition of drumming bands, the election of the Carnival Queen, and concerts in the whole city. In 2012, DF decided to gather the teams of the 2 events to reunite their objectives and strengthen the organization of the artistic, social and educational actions. This allowed the creation of a third event, “Rotterdam Unlimited”, with the idea that the 2 festivals could be stronger together creating new opportunities, capitalizing the strengths and mutualizing the costs. The focus is on the new hybrid arts, mixing cultural traditions and digital arts, and putting DF on a process of non-formal training on technological skills. Conceived like a laboratory where various artistic and social experimentations are led, it’s also a showcase of modernity, detection place of the talents of tomorrow.
From 13th to 23th of July 2017
Destination: Liverpool, United Kingdom, to participate in the « Brouhaha international Street Festival” from 4th to 22th of July, and to the “Edinburgh Festival Carnival”, the 16th of July (Scotland).
Program of this amazing sharing and meeting project: workshops, introductions to artistic courses, parades and concerts. We will meet many international artistic teams, like Enjoy (Torino), Kalentura (Amsterdam), Bombrando (Lisbon), 3points (Barcelona), Artscape (Cape Town) and many many others! This exchange program is part of our partner’s project, coordinator of the “European Arts Engagement Exploring Best Practice », which allowed to associate 10 young people and youth workers from the Cirque Pep’s in Toulouse.
Du 27 au 30 juillet 2017
Rencontre avec nos partenaires Néerlandais pour participer au carnaval de Rotterdam. En tête de parade, pour accompagner la Reine du Carnaval, Samba Résille a fêté la diversité culturelle dans le port de Rotterdam le 29 juillet ! Le Carnaval de Rotterdam, organisé par Rotterdam Unlimited, rassemble effectivement un large panel d’horizons culturels et de pays venus du monde entier.
Samba Résille a également présenté le spectacle de la pieuvre le 28 juillet à la gare centrale.
D day (Carnival day) – Saturday 9th of July
It’s parade day in Liverpool! The moment we expected is finally here. After enjoying a break, the day before, all the artists can finally show us what they created during these moments of collaboration. Chronicle of this day 9:30 am : The parade participants gather in the courtyard to walk to the City Centre of Arts. The rain is also present during the walk, but decides to let us enjoy the rest of the day. Sheltered in the City Centre of Arts, the participants put their costumes on and apply some make up. The living colors sparkle in the lobby. We are all mixed, reunited with the theme “Street life”: some signals here, some fruit baskets there… The costumes made by Mandy and her team are beautiful et illustrate perfectly what we can imagine about the Caribbean. 11:30 am : we slowly take possession of the street waiting for the start. Lined up like toy soldiers on Bold Street, we work on the details: the dancers stretch, the children eat, the musicians try not to play, except for Samba Résille band, which starts to play to warm the procession with Samba rythme. Meanwhile, Kalentura, bateria from the Netherlands, costumed as police officers, is getting more and more ready to parade… 12:30 pm : The rain finally stops, the sky is cloudy but does not worry the audience, Brouhaha volunteers are on the lookout, the start is imminent… At 1:00, we are leaving!! The procession is pretty packed in at the beginning, the rhythms of baterias are mixing during the first meters. The large Bold Street with redbrick reminds us our city… We are playing at home! 2:00 pm : the audience is dispersed but every spectator wants to record memories, smartphones in hands, of this colorful multicultural and pluri-artistic procession, bringing to the streets unexpected energy in this Saturday afternoon. On our passing, people are delighted. They smile, they look at the troubadours passing with an amazed look. Children are speechless, the adults too. After Europe, the steet is ours! Engagement, collaboration, performance, celebration: those are the values that Brouhaha international wants to promote during this event. The artists are offering amazing collaborations, sometimes in apparently apart worlds: hip hop dance and Commedia Del Arte, or slam and batucada. Every one of us put a positive energy in it and a real sense of performance and party. And this is really what we have to remember. Because even if the audience was small on this 9th of July, we will remember the desire to share and contribute to a beautiful collective experience that we won’t forget! We give the Funk now!