Erasmus+ program
KA1 – Mobility of adult education staff
Project coordinator
Builders of creative and collaborative knowledge
Organisé conjointement entre Samba Résille (Toulouse) coordinatrice et ses partenaires Bombrando (Lisbonne), Samba Sem Fronteiras (Porto), Enjoy (Turin) et Views International (Liège), « Constructeurs de savoirs créatifs et collaboratifs » a pour objectif de favoriser la construction de savoirs créatifs liés à l’éducation interculturelle. Il s’agit d’un cycle de sept mobilités.
Acting at different territorial, local, regional, national, European and international levels, by proposing actions guided by the desire to celebrate cultural diversity as the spearhead of its strategy to support the public in their personal development and their professional integration, Today, Enjoy is recognized for its expertise in setting up innovative courses that rely on the techniques of commedia dell'arte to promote creative learning.
Enjoy benefits from a freely managed theater for its adult education and training activities made available to it by the town hall of Turin and in which it also schedules spaces for artistic creation, cultural dissemination as well as seminars on themes related to pedagogical innovation in learning. Also, and thanks to its many European and non-European partners, Enjoy is now recognized for its successful experiences in creating creative spaces which have made it possible to support a considerable number of adult education and training professionals in qualification in the techniques of commedia dell'arte, favorable to the establishment of liberated educational environments.
Bombrando operates in a territory with a high concentration of migrants and asylum seekers, as well as many socially disadvantaged Portuguese citizens.
Bombrando accompanies this diversity of people's profiles in a spirit of openness, respect for the dignity of each and in a dynamic of celebrating cultural diversity. In this context, Bombrando has developed many actions in connection with the inhabitants, whether in the form of music, dance or even cooking workshops, and carries out support actions to develop their social skills and their creative abilities. , by offering spaces where formal, non-formal and informal training times are combined.
Bombrando relies on many people, very often professionals in specialized education and/or animation, but also "smugglers", who are former learners who invest themselves for others, thus allowing the setting up non-formal training in a “circular” form. Bombrando is a partner met in 2016 during European mobility in Liverpool.
The activities of the group are multiple and cover:
· Musical creation and production: 2018 was the year of the preparation and the launch of the first original album of the group, already in preparation for a second job.
-Dissemination: in recent years, the group has traveled the country from north to south with live performances, festivals, municipal parties, private and corporate events.
Training at local and international level, such as those carried out with Samba Résille in 2019 and 2020.
VIEWS International, it’s a network of 23 countries around various projects. VIEWS International, it’s also a team of young European, visually impaired or sighted, who are actively implicated in specific projects at the European level.
Objectives :
– To facilitate the meetings between young European people, majority of whom are visually impaired
– To optimise the chances of this young people to be integrated in the social, private and professional life as autonomously as possible
– To develop spirit of solidarity and democracy, specific of the European culture
The Carnival also organizes community engagement programs, including weekend events, workshops, performances, meetings, talent development projects, with the aim for the Carnival to welcome as many communities as possible.
With changing locations and partners, Piranha Arts organise the leading branch events WOMEX – WOMEX – the World Music Expo and Classical:NEXT.
PA entertain international partnerships and – with Piranha Arts Consultancy– work with professional conferences and network initiatives on four continents. Whether it is with events or the global sounds of Piranha Records – PA campaign for cultural diversity in Berlin and everywhere around the globe. Music means the world to us! This is why PA engaged with Berlin’s street festival and parade Karneval der Kulturen right from the start: as musicians, in the jury, with record releases and with the after-parade party “Long Night of Soundsystems”… Since its 2016 edition, Piranha Arts has been the producer of the million-strong Karneval der Kulturen. Piranha Arts stays in flux and is always open for more. PA stay active at the borders: between music and tech, by research & development, between music and audiovisual, with international film projects and programs. Karneval der Kulturen PA campaign for cultural diversity in Berlin and everywhere around the globe. Music means the world to us!
From 23th of February to 4th of March 2018
Intercultural education: a positive approach of difference
This mobility in Lisbon with Bombrando was organized around research-action workshops:
– good educational practices of non-formal intercultural education;
– educational approaches developed by a multi-cultural society like interaction, exchange, dismantling barriers, reciprocity and objective solidarity;
– intercultural education as driving-force for social education;
– interdependency of the needs of minorities and majorities.
From 24th to 3th of March 2019
For this mobility following the mobility organized with Bombrando in Lisbon in 2018, Samba Résille was welcomed by the theatre company Enjoy in Torino, specialized in the Commedia dell’Arte and the alternative theatrical teaching methods.
Enjoy takes its inspiration from the theatre-laboratory of Grotowski who leaves the artifice (scenery, costume) to focus on the organic (body, voice, breath, movement), revealed and intensified via a structure (text, song, ritual, trance) having a singular power of revelation.
Transgressing the borders (disciplinary, geographical, cultural, of the body and the intimacy with the social environment) and aiming at freeing the skills of the individuals (personally and collectively), the technics used by Enjoy present benefits for all the activities led par the association, whether talking about artistic, technical, social or managerial skills (music, working on stage, speaking, leading workshops and groups). 32 members of Samba Résille, administrators, volunteers and employees, participate in the exchange with Enjoy.
From March 13th to 15th, 2019
The challenges of cultural diversity in large cities in the light of terrorist threats.
Interventions by the carnival organizers of Berlin, Edinburgh, Beijing, Buenos Aires, Budapest, Paris, Toulouse and Brussels, as well as the chief of the Berlin police, an artistic company and two officials of the Berlin City Council (International Relations and Marketing Department)
From 8th to 12th of May 2019
This mobility concerns members engaged in singing activities led by Samba Résille, whether they are singers, drummers or guitarists / cavaquinhistes. The course offers singing, drumming and string lessons, but also common workshops on the “playing together”, through rhythmic exercises on the samba clave which structures and gathers the rhythmic support as well as the melody and the harmonic parts.
The training, led by specialized musicians, will offer:
– singing workshops;
– drumming workshops;
– string workshops (guitar, cavaquinho);
– common rhythmic workshops;
– information on history and current news of samba music.
From 8th to 12th of May 2019
Job shadowing Samba Résille in Liège – Views International
In the frame of the European project “Constructeurs de savoirs créatifs et collaboratifs” (Builders of creative and collaborative knowledge), Samba Résille organized a mobility for 8 people among its employees and volunteers, in partnership with Views International, Belgian organization having an expertise in welcoming and accompanying people visually impaired.
Within this frame, these 8 members of Samba Résille discovered the working environment of the partner, and its actions led to develop the autonomy of blind and visually impaired people, started a few years ago. The link between Samba Résille and Views International was made thanks to meetings between Anca and Hamza, respectively director of Samba Résille and director of Views International, during an Erasmus + inter agencies seminar, organized to redact a guide of good practices on accompanying impaired people in European mobility projects.
This meeting led to a first project of collaboration, the mission in Belgium of a young blind from Toulouse, as an EVS during one year.
Moreover, Samba Résille works since many years around teaching batucada (Brazilian drums) with the Institute of blind young people in Toulouse, and its musical teacher, Grégory, works with the specialized workers, and exchanges regularly happen between the directions of the 2 partners regarding the necessity to qualify the teams on the skills to develop in the accompanying of visually impaired people in European mobility.Institut des Jeunes Aveugles After a first succeeded experience of a group of blind and visually impaired people spending a 15 day mobility in Liverpool, that led to exchanges regarding artistic practices with other operators (English ones, Dutch, Spanish…), it seemed necessary to go beyond the accompanying of simple creation of spaces for artistic practices and cultural exchanges, and to create the supporting conditions for the individual projects of members and specialized teams by associating the directions, the employees, the musical teachers, the volunteers, to make a crossed analysis to treat all the useful teachings to qualify on:
This meeting led to a first project of collaboration, the mission in Belgium of a young blind from Toulouse, as an EVS during one year.
– the adaptive processes to concrete welcoming and the evaluation of specific needs;
– the possibilities of non-formal training for visually impaired people in Liège, with the goal to increase his qualification and employability.
From 16th to 22th of April 2020
This mobility concerns the people engaged in the singing activities of Samba Résille, whether they are singers, percussionists or guitarists / cavaquinhistes.
The training offers masterclasses (singing, drums, strings), and common moments to play together, through rhythmic exercises on the clave de samba, which structures and gathers the rhythmic support, the melody and the harmonic parts.
parties harmoniques.
The training, led by specialized musicians, will offer:
singing workshops;
percussion workshops;
string workshops (guitar / cavaquinho);
common rhythmic workshops;
information on history and news of samba style.
Du 14 au 20 juillet 2020
Samba Résille meets the Alentejana tradition
Tuesday 27th of February 2018 – 4pm – Traditional Alentejano singing workshop
Back to Amadora for a part of us, neighborhood whose social project is to gather people. Here, rooms are at disposal for associations or local groups to gather, organize sportive activities, rehearse or just drink coffee.
One of these groups try to make last a tradition of polyphonic singing, transmitted from generation to generation in the region of Alentejo, agricultural and vinicultural region expanding from the south coast of Portugal to the border with Spain in the west, and lining the Faro region at the extreme south.
Before the time of social networks, the farming and ascetic life of those regions offered few distractions to the young men meeting at night to sing all together the life of a man in the countryside, love and nature. Some representatives of this traditional heritage, in the list of the UNESCO World Heritage, are facing us this afternoon to give us of glimpse of it.
Our little assembly is really focused to master the pronunciation and the singing, but at the end the experience is magical! Our eyes are shining in front of these men holding a tradition that doesn’t interest their grandchildren and that should die with them. We have the feeling to live a unique moment, to receive a gift.
At the end, a little exchange of questions allows the meeting, but what seals this beautiful exchange is the offered lunch in this tiny place, where old and young, music and singing amateurs are piled up around soup tureens where nothing is missing (pasta, chickpeas, bacon, potatoes), and whose walls have club flags and yellowing pictures reminded the memory of the disappeared.
Friday: we leave at 2pm to go to Lisbon… By bus.
The concept of interculturality of the Erasmus + stay is already within the group, with its colorful tastes and eclectic topics of discussion. We share our hypothesis on this coming experience of busy meetings, we share pieces of music, and we share food… Precisely in Spain, and we put in common our team’s games (childish interculturality) during the long break in Salamanca at 3 am.
I have to confess that something unifies us: we all wear tracksuit or saroual pants, essential and totally transcultural element to make the trip comfortable. We all anticipated the collective experience! And crossing the Pyrenees and Spain was exactly as we thought it was going to be, even if we had the surprise to search for a gas station between 1 and 2 am in the Salmantin countryside, adventure that kept us in suspense with our eyes wide open and got us to arrive in Lisbon really tired but excited.
First experience of the intercultural beyond the border: the Portuguese language. Since we stopped in the highway cafeterias or even when we entered the city, many of us try to pronounce Camões language, to understand it and to invent strategies to speak it. Eu falo un pouco de português… Camões, de la compréhension et des stratégies pour parler. Eu falo un pouco de português…
9:30 am: after 19 hours of bus and lots of kilometers behind us, we unload our luggage near the pier, and we proudly carry our instruments decorated with our logo in the streets of Lisbon. And we need courage to go up the slope, eyes still full of sleep and bodies tensed by the bus seats. Arrived in the Old Town and Alface hostels: by their international characteristic, they allowed us to meet strangers like us, already charmed by the atmosphere of Lisbon and giving us good advices.
Then it’s in the bedroom that interculturality occurs: “who sleeps above? Underneath? Who has its outfit for the week? Do you brush your teeth with an electrical toothbrush? I took aspirin, just in case… I have a multi-socket…” Words of the daily-life that take nothing out of the charm of this collective life, on the contrary!
12h: It’s time to go to lunch and the group splits to discover the city. Between those deciding to taste the ginginha in the closest bar, those deciding to stride along the streets to find terraces in the sun, and those deciding to discover the market, everybody experiments the Portuguese drinks and cooking.
And while some decide to continue to experiment by tasting the pasteis de nata and visiting Belem’s beautiful architecture, others go to their bed to take a nap (not really intercultural, unless…). Don’t forget our brave comrades of the Cooking Team already cooking in Bombrando’s place (metro station Arfonelos).
5 pm: we meet outside our hostels to go to Bombrando’s place, we exchange on our beautiful discoveries and share good deals.
6 pm: discover of the singular and living cultural and social center where Bombrando Bombrando has its offices and spaces for rehearsal. And the moment we all waited for comes: we meet Bombrando’s team! After the general hugs and some drinks, we have our first intercultural games, led by Clément and Mathilde. And we make line, we are all together. We wear signs covered with answers on questions asked by the comrades of both groups. The interculturality is this time written, and it’s really beautiful to read! The atmosphere is at its apogee when the intercultural diner arrives: the first courses are from the south west of France (cold meats, delicious sauces), the main course in the bacalhau a brás, and the diner finishes by the succulent deserts from Mafalda.
Fabio, Antonio, and all the Portuguese teenagers and young adults… So many beautiful meetings or reunions for the second evening of our Erasmus + stay, which is really about exchange! We all look forward to continue the adventure, although our eyes and brain need some hours of sleep.
Boa noite, or as the Fabulous Trobadors from Toulouse sing it, « Good night, good night, it’s time to go to bed, we wish you to have sweet dreams, it’s free cinema!”
The kit of the perfect manager
European mobilities are the opportunity to live exceptional moments: artistic exchanges, giggles, extraordinary learnings, culinary discoveries, amazing meetings, beautiful visits….
But all these experiences can’t happen without a rigorous and adapted management!
List of all the participants;
List of all the important contacts (including the bus driver’s!);
Planning of activities and road maps;
Attendance sheets and sign-off sheets;
Invoice of the hotel and lists of rooms;
Insurance papers in case of medical problems, repatriation, etc.
2.Marker pens: 4.Post-It to deal with the last-minute changes and the important meetings with the partners (or the web-conference with the European commission)
3.Calculator to respect the budget in case of unplanned expenses!
4. Post-its pour gérer les changements de dernière minute et les rendez-vous importants avec les partenaires… ou les web-conférences avec la Commission européenne 🙂
More a few gifts for the partners and we are good to go!