Erasmus+ program
KA1 – Youth exchanges

Arts Awards
The arts and cultural sector now amounts to around 4% of European GBP, remaining even in financially challenging times a growth sector. Across Europe the arts and cultural industries are attractive to many young people who commit themselves for their leisure or for job opportunities. Yet, the current European context sees an increase in youth unemployment (more than 50% in some countries) and where the cultural sector has a image problem in its capacity to give “a real work” to the young people. The organizations committed in this youth exchange project, all from the artistic and cultural sector, wish to lead an experiment around a exchange project for young people from 5 countries: France, the United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands and Portugal, particularly in direction of groups of young people in a disadvantaged situation but whose artistic commitment proves that they are in a positive approach in the construction of their practice, their project and their future as an adult. This project is a cooperative alliance between experimented structures which wish to meet the challenge to strengthen the skills of these young people and the youth workers who accompany them, to create the best conditions for the delivery of non-formal training, for peer led collaborative teaching, and for the creation of new cooperations that will create new actions and job opportunities at the European and international level. The project is divided in periods of artistic and technical workshops, public performances, visits of companies, cultural industries, meetings with professionals of the cultural and arts sector, the sessions of coaching and capacity building, through informal and peer led learning teaching techniques, to allow the young people, particularly the disadvantaged youth, to feel legitimate to live an intercultural experience at an European level and to strengthen their confidence and self-respect.
Organizational information: Brouhaha International (BI) is a registered Charity (no. 1017409) and non-governmental arts organization that delivers in local, national and international contexts. BI’s work covers youth arts engagement, international exchanges, meetings, trainings and capacity building initiatives for young people and workers at a national and international level. The organizations main aim is to support young people from disadvantaged backgrounds in their social, cultural, personal and professional development. BI receives financial support from Liverpool City Council, the Arts Council England, Erasmus+ programme (centralized and decentralized actions) and a wide range of trusts and foundations, for its international work and associated cultural activities.
Their aims include:
– delivering arts projects and cultural programmes that facilitate learning between young people from different social, cultural and economic backgrounds;
– developing youth events and community celebrations that engage disadvantaged young people from across our city, region, the United Kingdom and beyond;
– producing innovative global international work, creating high quality mobility experiences for communities and young people through exchanges, collaboration and meetings;
– building capacity around issues of employability of young people;
– contributing to the development of the youth sector through mobility, job shadowing, training and leadership initiatives.
BI est à l’initiative de plusieurs programmes de formation non formelle où le support artistique et culturel est considéré comme un outil pertinent facilitant l’inclusion des publics les plus vulnérables dans les actions où l’esprit d’initiative et d’entreprise est valorisé grâce aux espaces de formation et où les apprentissages entre pairs et le vécu des expériences permettent d’atteindre un haut niveau de qualification.
Kalentura is a youth music organization that works with young people from minority and African/Caribbean backgrounds who experience difficulties and challenges in their everyday lives. The main aim of Kalentura is to develop the young people’s life skills and creative abilities through music and mobility actions as well as informing and educating young people about the cultural heritage of Dutch African Caribbean community.
Kalentura has two groups of young people (14-17 years and 18- 25 years of age) both of these groups take part in ongoing workshops and create ensemble activities. Kalentura enables young people to have positive perceptions of themselves as ‘Black Europeans’.
Relevant activities and experience: KalentuRa have participated in international meetings/trainings (4.3) and exchanges (1.1) within the previous youth programme. They are also a key player in the development of large-scale festival events across Amsterdam within BME and minority communities. KalentuRa develop and deliver an annual programme of music development opportunities for youth people, including weekly workshops and performances.
Kalentura is currently working with Brouhaha International as one of the partners within an Key Action 2 Capacity Building in the Field of Youth project. This project see them mobilize EVS participants through hosting and sending activity to South Africa and Zambia.
Enjoy uses a theatre to organize its educational and teaching activities, lent by the city hall of Torino. It’s also a space for artistic creation, cultural dissemination, and seminars related to pedagogical innovation in learnings. Thanks to all its activities and partners, Enjoy is known for its successful experiences of building creative spaces, which allowed accompanying an important number of education and training professionals to learn Commedia Dell Arte’s technics to create freed educative environments.
Bombrando has two groups of young people (14 -17 years and 18 – 25 years of age) both of these groups take part in ongoing workshops and create musical ensemble percussion activities. Bombrando enables young people to have positive perceptions of themselves through undertaking local and international projects.
Bombrando relies on many people, very often professionals in specialized education and/or animation, but also "smugglers", who are former learners who invest themselves for others, thus allowing the setting up non-formal training in a “circular” form. Bombrando is a partner met in 2016 during European mobility in Liverpool.
from 2 till 9 April 2016
This time of learning mobility will be organized around the following activities: – works on forward planning and preparation; – artistic and intercultural workshops; – sessions of capacity building; – group sessions between peers; – networking sessions; – the construction and the presentation of the workshops’ results through a performance; – the development of multimedia products; – research, documentation and evaluation; – the development of follow-up collaborations and the reflection on new cooperative projects.
This exchange project is a project of intercultural immersion where the methods, the tools and practices which are implemented there, are an experiment to create a support plan for the youth in the creative sector and a rehabilitation of the image of the artistic and cultural sector, a sector which attracts numerous young people but which has to organize itself to facilitate their job integration and demonstrate its unexpected capability to be a major player on the economic field.