Erasmus+ program
KA1 – Youth Exchanges

Pourquoi Pas Nous ? (Why not us?)
“Pourquoi Pas Nous?” is an Youth exchange project involving youth NEET, particularly youth with learning disabilities.
“Pourquoi Pas Nous?”, whose name is also the name of the Muret Hospital Center samba band composed of youth with learning disabilities that Samba Resille (SR) has assisted in their practice of samba drumming since 2005, is a first in the support of young people with learning disabilities and the organisation of meeting with other youth with an artistic practice, some able and some in vulnerable situations.
This project is in partnership with Brouhaha International (BI), an English partner with a significant experience in the organization of activities for the youth, youth exchanges and projects with youth workers. Among BI’s objectives are youth support, particularly disadvantaged youth, and accompanying them in finding employment in arts, show and the cultural field.
Rich of our mutual experiences, this project’s goal is to put young people whose primary motivation is to share their passion for their artistic practice in a position to cooperate with each other, and for the structures that support them to accompany them in their self empowerment. These actions include the building of framework for exchanges that legitimate their goal to live these exchanges at an European level, to give them opportunities to sustain these exchanges and to develop their capacity building, both personal and professional, on their way to adulthood.
These young people with learning disabilities will experiment different periods in which they will be the actors of non-formal formation, in which they will pass on their musical skills and their creativity to others, by giving them the possibility of being the musical teachers. This situation scenario will take place with the help of professional presenters and the department of research for the sciences of education of the university of Liverpool, partner of BI. By this method, and with the goal to find professional outcomes for disadvantaged youth, BI and SR think about common qualifications on the commitment of the young people in the arts, by inspiring themselves of the English “Arts Award” and aim to verify the necessary prerequisites which would allow young people with learning disabilities to find job opportunities in cultural facilitation.
This youth exchange project will be the first chapter in a series of works that will implement capacity building cooperation at an European and international level for young people, particularly young people with learning disabilities; and for youth workers that support them in their everyday life. The goal of these works will be to work long-term on the implementation of an European-level qualification on arts facilitation for this specific audience.The young committed in this project with learning disabilities will benefit from an enhanced support to live this experience in a framework providing physical and emotional security.
Even though their cognitive abilities won’t allow them to fully grasp the issues, they will be accompanied to be actors of their project and of the actions implemented, and will be put to use to product an exhibition made up of photos; audio, written and video accounts; and pictograms that will afterwards help them in the project’s dissemination with their own words, their own sensations, their own experience.
This dissemination phase will be jointly realised with the youth and the youth workers committed in the project, to exchange with peers at a local level in conferences on the results obtained, on the answers compared to the assumptions made at the beginning; all that to provide a valuable input on the debate on social and professional inclusion for young people with learning disabilities in arts and cultural facilitation.T
Through this disadvantaged youth exchange project, both partners follow their objectives for the social and professional inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities by offering new perspectives and opportunities for formal and non-formal training;
by creating new job opportunities not yet explored to this day for people with learning disabilities; and helping enrich the job opportunities for a young with learning disabilities by offering him the possibility to work in the field of culture and/or arts facilitation.
Par ce projet d’échanges entre jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité, les deux partenaires poursuivent des objectifs d’inclusion des jeunes ayant le moins d’opportunités en ouvrant de nouvelles perspectives et opportunités de formation non formelle et formelle, de débouchés professionnels non encore explorés à ce jour pour des personnes en situation de handicap mental et en contribuant à enrichir les débouchés professionnels pour un jeune en situation de handicap mental en lui ouvrant la possibilité à s’y inscrire en tant qu’intervenant artistique et/ou médiateur culturel.
L’Institut des Jeunes Aveugles de Toulouse (IJA) s’associe également à
ce rassemblement international et, sous l’invitation de Brouhaha
International, participe avec son groupe de percussions
« Batucabraille » aux nombreuses festivités préparées Outre-Manche.
Samba Resille works in partnership with the Centre Hospitalier to help in giving a musical coherence to the workshop, with a main objective : to change the perspective on disability, by proposing parades and concerts in front of a mainstream audience, in bars, carnivals, in the street, or in music festivals.
Indeed, the artistic workshops created inside closed structures in France such as this kind of medical structures generally confine themselves to shows in front of specific audiences, such as other people with disabilities, or professionals in the field of disability. We find ourselves in the scenario where the artistic potential of the residents remains too segregated. Through artistic events and shows in front of a mainstream audience, we want to present high-quality shows and thus aim to make the workshop members be considered as musicians first, and not as people with disabilities. We aim to give them the means to be part of the civic life by being actors of their own artistic practices, by participating in the cultural life of their medical structure and above all, participating in the life of the city.
Future activities will continue to embrace and celebrate a diverse range of work with a commitment to the realization of performing arts projects in public spaces, on the streets, in park, in community venues and site specific outdoor locations. BI strive to provide professional platforms and opportunities for artistic and cultural excellence and as BI move forward to create great art, without losing sight of our purpose, vision and core values.
BI a mené et mène de nombreux programmes de coopérations européennes et internationales depuis 1991 autour notamment des programmes européens Culture et Justice et jeunesse, et s’inscrit aujourd’hui dans la stratégie 2020 de l’Union européenne pour initier, piloter et/ou s’associer avec d’autres structures dans la mise en œuvre de programmes de formation non formelle.
From 2th to 19th of July 2016
Visit of the Pourquoi Pas Nous ? (Why not us?) in the United-Kingdom to allow these young disabled musicians to develop their artistic practices (Erasmus + Key action 1 Youth mobility). Departure from the 2th to the 19th of July to Liverpool, United Kingdom, to participate in the “Brouhaha International Street Festival, from 6th to 17th of July.
The accommodation – Common space Common accommodation (4-5 persons per room), with common space. The Pourquoi pas Nous and the Batucabraille were divided in 10 different rooms on 5 floors in the same building, which requested a special organization for the dinners. The common kitchen served the breakfasts and helped to heat the dinners.
The meals Breakfasts delivered and restocked by Brendan (English cooker), managed by the teams. Lunches took outside, regarding the wishes and the planned visits. Dinners prepared by Brendan and heated in the apartment’s kitchens.
The concerts 5 performing times were planned during the stay: – Dadafest, a festival around disability and artistic practice; – SandFest, celebration in a specialized school; – performance moment in front of the Lime Street Station in Liverpool; – concert during the Liverpool Carnival; – moment offered to the other European artists during the international diner.
Visit of Liverpool Between the concerts and rehearsals, there were several cultural and touristic visits of the city: – Beatles museum; – the Big Wheel; – the Cavern club and the Beatles spots; – the Protestant Cathedral. And many touristic walks to discover the city…
I took the plane and after we played in front of the railway station
We also played in a venue for the SandFest
I saw John Lennon
We also played at the accommodation
We bought a Beatles T-shirt, a keyring and a mug with the UK flag
The meal was very good though we didn’t get enough salad dressing