GERMANY, Finland, France

Erasmus+ program
KA2 – Partenariat stratégique de l’éducation des adultes
Art Against : artistic mediation in social work and social mediation in artistic work
The principal objective of the project « Art Against » is to facilitate the access of vulnerable people to the cultural sector in all its components and artistic, technical or managerial professions.
This transnational cooperation between Caisa (Fi), Piranha Arts (DE) and Samba Résille (FR) was created from a shared diagnostic of singular and specific experiences of each partner regarding the creative field, led among the vulnerable audiences, and from different researches and studies on the subject of social inclusion through arts. This diagnostic showed the similarity of the partner’s contexts, rich in terms of cultural diversity and intense in terms of creative emulation, and stimulated the common desire to deal with the artistic mediation in social work and with the social mediation in artistic work as central theme of this exchange project of good practices.
Fitting the « Equity and Inclusion » European strategy and the social part of the New European Agenda for Culture proposing to « harness the power of culture and cultural diversity for social cohesion and wellbeing », this project aims at deconstructing the usual approaches on securities / vulnerabilities and on inclusion / equity by organizing joint events of staff training and wants the participants to live a positive experience favorable to disseminate good practices and results to the direct targeted audience of 458 people among the staff of partners, and to the indirect targeted audience of 19 302 people among the learners and institutional, cultural and social networks.
This program of activities leans on an educational approach, giving space to creativity and adapted to the needs of the participants, around 3 subjects: « Art and social mediation », « Securities VS vulnerabilities » and « The mobility of vulnerable artists and their works ». It targets the acquisition of transferable competences allowing a better knowledge of vulnerable situations of the targeted audiences, an increase of empathic listening, a bigger creativity in the adaptation of resources, a better organization of mediation approaches and a better evaluation of efficiency.
In Berlin, Piranha Arts initiated trailblazing festivals such as HeimatKlänge, Bands United, Fête de la Musique, C3 – Club Contemporary Classical and The Nights of Ramadan.
With changing locations and partners, Piranha Arts organise the leading branch events WOMEX – WOMEX – the World Music Expo and Classical:NEXT.
PA entertain international partnerships and – with Piranha Arts Consultancywork with professional conferences and network initiatives on four continents.
Whether it is with events or the global sounds of Piranha Records – PA campaign for cultural diversity in Berlin and everywhere around the globe. Music means the world to us! This is why PA engaged with Berlin’s street festival and parade Karneval der Kulturen Karneval der Kulturen right from the start: as musicians, in the jury, with record releases and with the after-parade party “Long Night of Soundsystems”… Since its 2016 edition, Piranha Arts has been the producer of the million-strong Karneval der Kulturen.
Piranha Arts stays in flux and is always open for more. PA stay active at the borders: between music and tech, by research & development, between music and audiovisual, with international film projects and programs.
CAISA is an international cultural center in Helsinki, Finland, established in 1966. Caisa operates within the Culture and Recreation Division of the City of Helsinki, with a team of 10 professionals chosen for their complementary expertise and experience, about 400 volunteers every year and its actions address more than 10,000 direct beneficiaries every year. The culture and leisure division manages several cultural centers, all of which offer programming based on their own specificities throughout the year. In summer, the city’s cultural offer is also completed by the Espa stage. The events are organized in close cooperation with Helsinki’s arts and culture sector to develop its region into a culturally rich area by promoting arts, culture and creativity. To this end, the City offers many services to residents, including cultural events, performances, exhibitions, courses and arts education. With these services, the City of Helsinki aims to ensure that its culture is diverse and accessible to all.
Located in Kallio near the city center, Caisa is part of this municipal cultural policy and aims especially to support the multicultural development of the city by promoting the interaction of people from different countries, and by providing information about different cultures and the Finnish society. Caisa promotes the development of Helsinki as a multicultural city by using arts and culture as a means to conduct a project organized around the issues of cultural diversity, individual feelings, living environment, nature, gender, sexual orientation, security of individuals and their identities, cultural communities, intergenerational solidarity, as well as body image. Caisa relies on concert and exhibition cycles that address these issues, organizes federative events throughout the year that mix Helsinki residents of all backgrounds, and offers workshops in artistic practices for all generations.
Du 2 au 8 mai 2022
Au programme de cette semaine riche les présentations des trois organisations, des conférences, ateliers et discussions autour de la question des sécurités VS vulnérabilités, des rencontres et visites des partenaires culturels de Caisa en Finlande. Mais aussi l’opportunité d’assister à des événements organisés par Caisa (exposition, spectacle).
Samba Résille a été également reçu avec une chaleur à l’ambassade de France en Finlande et a pu échangé avec Agnès Cuckierman, Ambassadrice de France.
Du 19 au 25 septembre 2022
Les 14 membres de la délégation de Samba Résille ont été accueillis à Berlin par notre partenaire allemand Piranha art. Cette seconde mobilité fait suite aux échanges à Helsinki avec Caisa dans le cadre du projet L’Art En Contre, Erasmus+ KA2 partenariat stratégique, en mai dernier.
Ce projet qui s’inscrit dans une volonté d’échanger les bonnes pratiques entre différentes organisations européennes autour des questions d’inclusion des publics et des acteurs culturels permet aux trois structures de développer leurs compétences en partageant leurs savoir-faire.
Une semaine riche en découverte de structures culturelles, éducatives et sociales berlinoises : Piranha art, le Carnaval des Cultures de Berlin, Oyoun, le Theâtre HAU, Le carnaval du futur, l’espace culturel KulturBrauerei. De nombreux workshops et séminaires également, mettant en exergue des conceptions et des méthodologies parfois radicalement opposées.
Du 5 au 11 juin 2023
Samba Résille accueille les délégations Finlandaise et Allemande à Toulouse
Après Helsinki puis Berlin, cette troisième étape clôt ce programme européen Erasmus Plus KA2.
Au programme de cette semaine à Toulouse; rencontres avec diverses structures ; Cricao, le Phare -Bajo El mar, Le refuge, Topophone, l’association AVEC mais aussi la Maison des diversités de Toulouse.
Exposition de photographies de Sébastien Kinach et Ignacio Herrerro, Spectacle Dragvision et la semaine se finira en beauté par la pride de Toulouse !
Album Helsinki

Album Berlin

Album Toulouse

Art against / l'art en contre #2 - du 19 au 25 sept - Après Helsinki, Samba Résille était à Berlin autour des questions d'inclusion. Rencontres et échanges, workshops ....@ErasmusplusFR @UEFrance @EuropeanCommiss @womex @Karneval_DK @Toulouse #Europe #ErasmusPlus
— Samba Fishnet (@SambaResille) September 28, 2022
Départ imminent pour Helsinki
— Samba Fishnet (@SambaResille) May 2, 2022
Nous rejoignons @piranha arts à CAISA
Projet ART Against / l'art en contre@ErasmusplusFR @UEFrance @EU_Commission