Erasmus+ program
KA2 – Strategic Partnership in adult education
From self-production to self-dissemination, the musician tends to become the main leader of his professional project and the main contributor of its realization thanks to the transition to digital technology and the generalized rise in power of the figure of the self-entrepreneur.
- The health and economic crisis linked to COVID-19 is challenging the cultural and creative sector with the consequence of a stopping all professional activity; a stop felt by artists as a trauma more strongly than professionals in other sectors, because the extreme specialization of artistic techniques acquired after long years of training and rehearsal separate most of them from classical careers likely to facilitate their vocational retraining after such a health and economic shock;
- Resilience is needed to rebuild an artistic practice that is psychologically over-invested and to convert this “misfortune” into a formidable energy to create again. It is not a new life to be considered, but to continue one’s own by changing the trajectory and sometimes even reaching excellence.
- De l’autoproduction à l’auto diffusion, le musicien tend à devenir le porteur autonome de son projet professionnel et le principal agent de sa réalisation grâce au passage au
numérique et la montée en puissance généralisée de la figure de l’autoentrepreneur.
This is why the “Musicpreneur” project wishes to provide answers that allow musicians and cultural operators, the project’s target audience, supported by exceptional measures, to find their way back to cultural entrepreneurship, a space for resilience, transformation of practices and creative imaginations for a better tomorrow, by accompanying them in the development of their power and know-how.
The idea is to enable them to “bounce back” in a context which, for the most part, challenges them, makes them precarious, traumatizes them and gives them the feeling of having lost their “power to act” and to develop in this context a new understanding of their practice in order to surpass themselves and regain their “ability to act”.
However, an individual is more or less resilient, and in order to “be able to act” must know “how to act” according to his or her own capacities to mobilize and effectively combine a variety of internal and external resources within a given situation in order to organize, adapt, empower, socialize, communicate, take initiatives and participate.
This is why the project pursues the overall objective of “developing the know-how of musicians and cultural operators in the health and economic context of COVID-19” and plans joint staff training events around two specific objectives (SO):
- SO 1: Know how to mobilize and combine effectively a variety of internal resources (IR)
- SO 2: Know how to mobilize and effectively combine a variety of external resources (ER)
Artscape promotes the access to arts, and is today one of the biggest spaces in Africa dedicated to performing arts. Since a few years, Artscape uses an innovative program of education and training, offering opportunities of career for young artists and art technicians and in all the communities of South Africa. Artscape organizes programs of artistic education and development, which lead to positive changes in the creation of a rich cultural and artistic community. Its programs concern urban, pre-urban and rural communities. The programs “Education”, “Skills” and “Development” are composed of artistic activities, and events like the Carnival of Cape Town and many festivals to enhance the communities
In 2007 a delegation of 12 A Bundistas took part in the 2nd International Encontro do Samba at the Cidade do Samba in Rio, performing together with members of Curicica and Monobloco, and also paraded through the Sambodromo among the 2500 participants of União do Parque Curicica, the final group appearing at the last night of the Carnival.
A Bunda took an active part in the first three European Encontros do Samba in Uppsala 1986, Åbo 1987 and London 1989, arranged and hosted the fourth Encontro in Gothenburg 1997 (with 600 participants from many different countries) and participated with a large delegation in the fifth Encontro in Villeneuve-Sur-Lot 1999 organised by Samba Résille.
From 11th to 17th june 2022
Musicpreneur responds to the need of cultural actors (artists and operators) to develop their power and ability to act, in other words the capacity to mobilise and combine effectively a variety of internal and external resources in a given situation in order to organise, adapt, empower, socialise, communicate, cooperate and create.
For the first mobilitie, the content of the activities was built on the principle of:
- a multidisciplinary (music, dance, staging) and intercultural artistic cooperation around the African musical heritage in the world
- raising participants’ awareness of managerial resources, network resources and knowledge of contexts that can help the consolidation of careers at both local and international levels
As part of this project, Samba Résille worked with delegations from MetX (Belgium), Abunda (Sweden) and Artscape (South Africa).
They joined us in music and dynamism, participating with involvement. The Samba Résille team offers various workshops, such as “Artistic cooperation in the public space” by Maëva Longvert, “My Samba world” by Elaine Lopes, “Between different cultures” by Momar Désiré Kane, or a sound and movement activity by Lisa Biscarro-Balle.
We were also lucky to welcome Marlène Leroux, director of Artscape, for a conference-debate with other local institutions and a visit to the IJA (institute for the young blinds) in Toulouse.
This mobility ended with a first feedback concert on 16 June with the group Duo Leve, as part of the Rio Loco festival.
Du 20 au 26 février 2023
La deuxième étape du projet Musicpreneur, initié à Toulouse en juin 2022, qui a eu lieu du 20 au 26 février 2023 à Bruxelles chez notre partenaire MetX.
Musicpreneur répond aux besoins des acteurs culturels (artistes et opérateurs) de retrouver le chemin de l’entrepreneuriat culturel en les accompagnant dans le développement de leur pouvoir et savoir agir, autrement dit les capacités à mobiliser et à combiner efficacement une variété de ressources internes et de ressources externes dans une situation donnée pour s’organiser, s’adapter, s’autonomiser, sociabiliser, communiquer, prendre des initiatives et coopérer.
Les contenus d’activité seront construits sur le principe :
- a multidisciplinary (music, dance, staging) and intercultural artistic cooperation around the African musical heritage in the world
- d’une sensibilisation des participants aux ressources managériales, aux ressources réseaux et à la connaissance des contextes pouvant permettre la consolidation des carrières au niveau local comme international.
Du 2 au 8 septembre 2023
La troisième étape du projet Musicpreneur s’est déroulée à Göteborg, Suède du 2 au 8 septembre. Notre partenaire A Bunda nous a fait découvrir l’environnement d’une école de samba qui investit avec passion l’univers du Carnaval de Rio et du samba enredo.
Mené avec nos partenaires d’Artscape (Afrique du Sud), MetX (Belgique), et A Bunda (Suède), le projet Musicpreneur a pour objectif de renforcer le pouvoir agir des acteurs culturels (artistes et opérateurs) en développant leur capacité à mobiliser et à combiner efficacement une variété de ressources internes et de ressources externes dans une situation donnée pour s’organiser, s’adapter, s’autonomiser, sociabiliser, communiquer, prendre des initiatives et coopérer.
Les activités sont construites sur le principe :
– a multidisciplinary (music, dance, staging) and intercultural artistic cooperation around the African musical heritage in the world
– raising participants’ awareness of managerial resources, network resources and knowledge of contexts that can help the consolidation of careers at both local and international levels
Du 13 au 19 novembre 2023 Le Cap / Afrique du Sud
Dernière mobilité du projet Musicpreneur qui prévoit la finalisation d’une production musicale construite sur la base de tous les échanges précédents du projet, qui sera donnée dans les locaux d’Artscape, l’une des plus importantes structures culturelles d’Afrique du Sud. Les participants seront également accompagnés dans la production d’une synthèse de toutes les bonnes pratiques capitalisées dans les domaines du management, des ressources réseaux et des techniques de coopération interculturelle.
Samba Résille (Toulouse FR), MetX (Bruxelles BE), A Bunda (Göteborg SE), Artscape (Le Cap ZA)
Avec le soutien d’ERASMUS+ et de la Mairie de Toulouse, MUSICPRENEUR est un projet qui répond au besoin des acteurs culturels (artistes et opérateurs) de trouver le chemin de l’entrepreneuriat culturel en les accompagnant dans le développement de leur pouvoir et de leur savoir-agir, c’est-à-dire la capacité à se mobiliser et à combiner efficacement une variété de ressources internes et externes permettant de consolider leur carrière aux niveaux local et international. Les activités exploreront la coopération artistique pluridisciplinaire autour des patrimoines musicaux africains dans le monde, et la sensibilisation des participants aux ressources managériales et aux ressources réseaux.

Le projet européen de Samba Résille » Projets de mobilité accrédités pour les apprenants et le personnel de l’éducation des adultes » a reçu le label « Bonne pratique » en raison d’une mise en œuvre et de résultats de haute qualité par l’Agence Erasmus+ France / Éducation Formation