Erasmus+ program
KA2 – Strategic Partnership in adult education

The cultural sector is “an essential tool in politic context of exit from the crisis” for the European Union, which wants it to build new answers to the stakes created by the refugees running away from their countries and by the increase of extremisms, leaning on creativity and innovation to stimulate intercultural dialogue. Today, the regulatory frames to secure cultural manifestations in urban space are evolving due to terrorist attacks. Numerous antitethical debates between cultural structures and local and national authorities tend to renew concertation modes and build new pragmatic answers to facilitate the celebration of cultural diversity in urban space.
This project is led by Samba Résille (FR), in partnership with Enjoy (IT), Suba Attila (HU) and Artscape (ZA), 4 cultural structures that have in common the organization of artistic actions, seen like spaces of creativity, celebration of cultural diversity, social and professional inclusion of vulnerable publics, and influences of their territories. This project is about creative dynamics and security obligations of public spaces, through the development of personnel’s skills, thanks to a transnational cooperation allowing the learning of the peers to increase their abilities to operate on a transnational level, and plans activities for the professionals of the 4 organizations to share their good practices and build innovative answers to facilitate the securing and the celebration of cultural diversity in urban spaces.
The learning process in this project aims transversal skills around 4 topics: – develop the organizational skills in South Africa; – develop the communicational skills in Italy; – develop the adaptive skills in Hungary; – develop the skills to act in France.
Artscape promeut l’accès à l’art et est aujourd’hui un des plus grands espaces en Afrique dédié aux arts de la performance. Depuis quelques années, Artscape a établi avec succès un programme innovant d’éducation et de formation offrant des opportunités de carrière aux artistes en devenir et aux techniciens du spectacle d’Afrique du Sud de toutes communautés. La fondation a également mis en place des programmes d’éducation artistique et de développement qui entraînent des changements positifs dans la création d’une communauté culturelle et artistique riche.
Artscape met en place ses programmes dans les communautés urbaines, pré-urbaines et rurales. Les programmes Éducation, Compétences et Développement sont composés d’activités artistiques diverses ainsi que d’événements comme le carnaval de Cape Town et de nombreux festivals dont le but est de valoriser les communautés.
It’s a young band, but they already gave 150 concerts in clubs and festivals, through Hungary, Europe and Asia.
Enjoy uses a theatre to organize its educational and teaching activities, lent by the city hall of Torino. It’s also a space for artistic creation, cultural dissemination, and seminars related to pedagogical innovation in learnings.
Thanks to all its activities and partners, Enjoy is known for its successful experiences of building creative spaces, which allowed accompanying an important number of education and training professionals to learn Commedia Dell Arte’s technics to create freed educative environments.
From 7th to 17th of May 2018
Développer les capacités à s’organiser
This first mobility “Develop the organizing skills” lasts 7 days, including 2 days of trip, so 5 days of training with the following activities:
– “Knowing each other, working together”: launch meeting, individual presentation of each participant;
– presentation of Artscape’s actions and capitalized creative experiences; – visit of the premises (offices, venues, warehouse for the construction of setting, spaces for the confection of costumes, etc.); – round-table discussions about the state of used material and exchanges of expertise regarding securing the cultural events in public space; – round-table discussions about technical jobs necessary for cultural events and about cultural management; – debriefing sessions and times for individual and collective evaluation, face to face at the halfway-point; – cultural visits organized by Artscape; – meeting with the representatives of Cape Town city hall and international partners; – visit of artistic workshops (music, dance, theater…), and more especially of those for vulnerable publics; – one day of evaluation of the mobility, the planning of activities and the acquired skills.
From 20th to 25th of October 2018
After Cape Town in May 2018, the delegations from Samba Résille, Artscape and Soul Fool Band met for the second appointment of this project in Torino to meet the Italian delegation Enjoy. At the planning of the stay, an approach based on the development of the capacities to communicate. This mobility has the objective to teach how to conciliate and manage the affective security of learners and the material security of creative spaces.
With our Italian partners, the delegations share management methods leaning on cooperative learnings around a shared knowledge. The technics from the Commedia Dell’Arte and the Grotowsky Theater are the methodologic tools of training sessions which allow a renewed approach of communication in the management of festive rituals in urban space.
This mobility also allows, within the frame of exchange sessions, to compare the regulatory frames of securing audiences in cultural events in a local and national context. The partners share their organization methods and their link with the public services concerned during the cultural events.
From 26th of January to 1st of February 2019
4 delegations of 6 members per team met in Budapest to attend:
• des tables rondes autour des thèmes de la radicalisation, du dialogue entre les cultures, du rôle des autorités locales et des organisations culturelles dans la coopération interculturelle ;
– – round-tables around the themes of radicalization, dialogue between cultures, role of local authorities and cultural organizations in intercultural cooperation; – information and discussion sessions regarding the socio-political context in Hungary; autour du contexte socio-politique hongrois ;
– – artistic workshops to create a common piece and put in common the necessary adaptation of all to a very singular context; pour créer une œuvre commune et mettre en œuvre la nécessaire adaptation de tous à un contexte bien particulier ;
– – cultural visits to guarantee a real immersion in Hungarian environment (Mupa Theater, Parliament, etc.). afin de garantir une véritable immersion dans l’environnement hongrois (visite du théâtre Mupa, du parlement, etc.).
From 11th to 17th of november 2019
Day 1 – Recap of the previous mobility and presentation of the program of activities for the week / Workshop to identify the risks of a festival like Rio loco, preparing the meeting with the Haute-Garonne Prefecture. Day 2 – Meeting with the Haute-Garonne Prefecture: safety of the audiences (in case of terrorist attacks), management processes of security for a festival in public space. Day 3 – Workshop to identify the solutions to prevent the risks identified during the previous workshop / evaluation of the project (SWOT analysis). Day 4 – Meeting with Christine Pradayrol and Yvan Cuiller (experts) to discuss the safety in Toulouse Carnival. Day 5 – Final evaluation of the project (SWOT analysis) / discussion around the future project, to answer the actual environmental issues.
Toberin Meyer
Testimonial – District 6 Museum
On the first leg of our Urban Spaces project in Cape Town, we took the visiting groups to the District 6 Museum to put into context the post Government and the negative impact it played towards the segregation of our country.
The District 6 are was a inner-city suburb where people from all race lived together in harmony. With the introduction of the Apartheid act by then said government, the community was forced to move out of the area by police and placed in townships on the outskirts of the city.
The museum gives detailed history of the people who lived in this area and the hardships they had to go through withthe forced removals.
This visit to the museum was done in order to help the group understand the current social situation of the various communities they were going to visit and why they are still in that situation today.
Toberin Meyer, 12/05/2018, Cape Town
Témoignage vidéo de Naboweya Prince
Alessio Santini’s testimony , group leader of Enjoy
“Celebrating cultural diversity in urban space” – Report by : Associazione Enjoy (Italy)
.The Project. It was the first time for us in a project like this, not so artistic, but managerial and talked. In a really first moment, like artists we were a little bit displaced, but, thanks the well-done organization and communication made by Samba Résille, everything was clear. We like this project because it was an exchange of a lot of things like cultures, knowledges, feelings, informations and, also, skills.
The important topics was developing abilities to organize, to communicate, to adapt and how to act. We discuss a lot about security, too; and it’s helpful for us that organizing also event and project it was really important.
.The travels. It was good travel in four places so different, with different wheater, places, people and cultures. Because we have could lean a lot just watching the way of working of each culture. Every flight ticket, accomodation and travel was well-organized by Samba Résille and partners, each planning was in time-organized by the partners with the supervision of Samba Résille, so everything was well-don and clear.
.Turin, workshop and topic. We was the point in the project with the topic; “to communicate”. We based our planning about our theatrical organization and our theatre teaching method and techniques with workshop, because we take care the communication between artist and audience, artist and artist, person and person, person and society.
Our theatre teaching method and techniques in based on exercise following the Grotowski method and the Commedia dell’Arte techniques. It’s a teaching method mixed to reach each individual and each group. We work with the feeling and energy of each person, starting with simple ice-breaker exercises to know each other. Then the exercise start without using voice but just the body, to take confience with himself and know better himself. It’s like a process, a travel, a grow up made of step. Each step is a new level and we add something more. Starting alone with body, continuing interact with the other people, adding voice, adding contact, adding memories, emotion, feeling and energy. Everything is made step by step by the teacher that take in consideration each different person, different feeling and he need have the right touch and knowledges to work with something fragile. Everything is made step by step with the right times, it’s an individual and collective work. In Turin we made something basic and needed to our project and to our partners.
.Impression. We found everything so clear and we learn a lot from the other organization and about them. We grow up our knowledges and skills, everything was funny, too, because we created with other partner a familiar climate. Wa spent time to speak about the topics or to eat something together and everything made us gladly to spend this time with that people. We have done a lot of workshop and game in topic, a lot of discussion and speeches , and visits to know the places where we was. Maybe sometimes we lost in discussion so much time and we didn’t reach the point of speech immediately, maybe with some kind of workshop more that could be more interactive.
In summary, we love a lot this project that grow up us, our organization and we learn interesting things.
Testimonies de Suba Attila
For the members of the Soulfool Band this project was journey. A Journey which toughted us a lot about undersatnding of cooperation between different organizations.
As we started in South Africa we really didn’t know what this project was really about. And along the way for all the mobilites it cosed a bit of disconfort becaouse as musicans we are doers we are not much about talking.
But as we progressed with the program everybody in group understood its about us learning how cultural workers face their problems and challanges. It was defenetly a learining experience for us. We think the biggest learning experince when we were in Cape Town during the watercrisis to see all the richness and all the poor parts of the town and listen all these community organizers how they work with talendted young individuals it was truly and amazing experience.We got closer in Italy where got in contact with each other through the Grotowskiexercises. I think in Hungary all the groups got a taste of fun and also the struggle of being a musican in town where is not too much live music left. And also I think in the group workshops got us closer of understanding of bigger picture which in every organization has to work in.
And finnaly in France I think we understood the french national context how hard is to organize in public spaces. And as we were in our „last” meeting Soulfool Band had an idea which reflects that learning process. We felt we are connected with all the groups and we keep doing what we did in this project but in next level!